
Luke 2: A Commentary on the Gospel of Luke 9:51–19:27 is unavailable, but you can change that!

This second volume of François Bovon’s three-volume commentary on the Gospel of Luke covers the narration of Jesus’ travel on the road to Jerusalem—the occasion in Luke of most of Jesus’ teachings to the disciples regarding faithfulness, perseverance, and the practice of justice and mercy. Bovon’s theological interest in Luke is highlighted here: as he declares in the preface, “I wish to examine...

and concrete.44 When he had done his part, the Samaritan passed the torch on to others, more specifically, the innkeeper (the same verb is used in the command to the innkeeper: “take care of,” v. 35). His relief work, which was broken off at this point, was resumed the next day (v. 35) in another manner, when he took a fourth step, turning over two denarii45 to the innkeeper. Although the priest and the Levite did not take the trouble to even stop for a moment, for his part the Samaritan announced46
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